Salon 6 : F Magazine, September 6th, 2018, was the New York launch party for the publication's seventh issue. Editor Adam Marnie introduced contributors Alissa Bennett, Hannah Buonaguro, Andrianna Campbell, Miles Huston, and Matt Kenny, all of who read from their works on the theme of PARANOIA.
F editor Adam Marnie introducing the readers
Alissa Bennett with F Magazine issue 7 : PARANOIA
Settling down for the readings
Andrianna Campbell
Andrianna Campbell reading from "Paean to my iPhone and Leeson's Paranoid Mirror"
Miles Huston reading from "Genericide (A Paradox)"
Hannah Buonaguro reading her untitled poem
Matt Kenny reading "Lists"
the PARANOIA crowd
Steel Stillman and Patricia Treib at the bar
Bill Komoski and friends
Mary Clarke, Aura Rosenberg, and Alissa Bennett
Adam Marnie, Arielle Falk, and Robbie McDonald
Welcome reception
Leigh Ledare, Adam Marnie, Steel Stillman, and Patricia Treib